Union Tool Corporation

The Union Tool Corporation
P.O. Box 935 • Warsaw, IN 46581
Phone: (574) 267-3211 • Fax: (574) 267-5703

Shipping Address: 1144 N. Detroit St. • Warsaw, IN 46580

Movers - Conveyors

Conveyor Accumulation Station

Conveyor Accumulation Station

A conveyor line accumulation station that holds flat panels such as printed circuit board substrates as they come off a machine or conveyor and then releases them one at a time to a downstream conveyor line or processing machine as they are called for.


Depending on your industry, you may call this an accumulator, a holding station, a FIFO stack, or a holding stack.

Operational Description

The Union Accumulation Station provides a conveyorized means to accumulate printed circuit board substrates on a horizontal plane. The panels are supported on non-marking accumulation forks and may be stored for a variable length of time before being placed back into the production flow, with the first panel in being the first panel out. (This is called a FIFO system - First In, First Out.)

The printed circuit board material may range in length and width from 10" to 24". The thickness may range from .004 to .250. Various sizes may be run through the Accumulation Station without setup or adjustment.

As the PC materials exit a preceding conveyorized process, they are carried by the built-in powered conveyor. A sensor detects the position of the substrate and the conveyor stops when the substrate is in a predetermined position. The accumulation forks are raised vertically by air cylinders, lifting the substrate from the conveyor. In this manner, the accumulation forks and PC materials move up vertically with each cycle until they reach the top; at which time the forks and PC substrates are moved to a position above the offbearing side of the conveyor. The forks on the offbearing side index down with each cycle, allowing the PC materials to be placed back on the conveyor and moved into further production processes.



Union Accumulation Station 1024
Length: 61"
Width: 40"
Height: 79"
Length: 10" to 24"
Width: 10" to 24"
Thickness: .004 to .250
Diameter: Approximately 2"
Covering: Polyethylene
Powder coated,
67 accumulation positions
P.L.C. Cutler-Hammer
DRIVE Conveyor: 1/15 H.P.
DC horizontal chain: 1/4 H.P.
SPEED Conveyor: 0-30 l.f.p.m.
Cycle: 8 per minute
POWER 110 volt
AIR 80 psi
PVC and Lexan
PAINT Polyurethane blue
220/440 volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle
HEPA filter
Capability of larger PC substrates